Our Mission

Our team strives to provide the technological refresh that the healthcare industry needs.

Who are we?

Behind International Medical Technologies is a team of students with a coding background and an interest in improving our healthcare system. With experience in software engineering, we are able to develop software solutions in house. We believe that by introducing new software to the healthcare industry we can help hospitals remain efficient and save lives.

What we do

IMT is a medical software development company. We provide our own solutions like Liaison, as well as custom tailored solutions to fit your healthcare space's needs. If you'd like to contract us to create a custom software solution, please visit our Custom Solutions page.

Why us?

We custom tailor our solutions to fit the needs of your healthcare space. If none of our exiting solutions accomplish what you need, we can provide a custom solution.

IMT focuses heavily on client service. We are always available to resolve any issues or answer any questions.

Because of the in house development nature of IMT, we are able to offer extremely competitive pricing for our solutions.

