
Boost the accuracy and efficiency of communications within your hospital with Liaison, a multidisciplinary imaging communication suite.

What is Liaison?

Liaison provides a platform for radiologists to communicate their findings with other physicians in a much more efficient method than is standard practice. It is based on asynchronous communication, meaning users can send messages to one another with minimal disruption and maximum convenience. Additionally, Liaison provides synchronized imaging viewing, so all parties can see the images being discussed and markups to those images right as they are made.

Asynchronous communication allows users to see and discuss images with minimal disruption to all parties

Synchronized image viewing means markups can be made on the images using Liaison’s integrated DICOM viewer and instantly seen by the other users

Conference Calling allows users to verbally discuss findings while viewing and marking up the images. Calls can also be automatically recorded unless otherwise desired upon your implementation.

Why use Liaison?

Currently, hospitals lack a convenient form of communicating important radiologic findings.

Telephone communication is suboptimal in multiple ways: radiologists are on-hold for extended periods of time, phone calls are non-visual, manual documentation is necessary, and the same communication is sometimes repeated many times between the radiologist and different provider teams of the same patient. Liaison creates a workflow to improve on all of these issues.

Oftentimes, this suboptimal communication process also leads to malpractice cases. The average indemnity payment for cases of malpractice due to miscommunincation is upwards of $230,000, which is more than double the average payment when there is evidence of proper communications. Liaison keeps automatic time-stamped records of all conversations, drastically reducing the occurrence of these cases.

Stay tuned for exciting Liaison updates and other IMT news.